Ph:61 488968843
"Once the Moon has been made steady, the Sun can be made to rise"
-Gheranda Samitha
Traditional Hatha Yoga in the Tantric Tradition
A systematic approach to yoga incorporating all facets of the tradition, and designed to help you thrive and reach your full potential in this life.
Yoga as it was meant - as a spiritual practice, not exercise.
Unravel the karmic knots - the limiting self beliefs, the fears and step into your truth. Realise yourself as the source of joy through both the physical and subtle practices of this ancient Tradition.
The physical practice is slow and mindful. Stillness, long holds and stability. Use of the breath to shape the energetic outcome and the shape to direct it. A mix of dynamic and static movements, the use of breath work, mantra, mudra and bandha. And always meditation, the crowning jewel.
We offer a range of private and small group packages as well as Group Programs. Casual private classes are available. Find out more under 1:1 Packages & Group Programs